Transform Your Digestion, Balance Your Hormones, and Reclaim Your Energy in Just 6 Weeks with Ayurveda!  


Unlock your body's healing potential and feel vibrant again with my online coaching program.


Next group coaching starts 6th August 2024. 

Early Bird Ends 8th July 2024. 

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Unlock your body's healing potential and start feeling vibrant again with my online coaching program.  

Next group coaching starts August 2024. 

Early Bird Ends 8th July 2024. 

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Feeling 'off' despite your best efforts? You're not alone.


Have you tried various diets, exercise routines and supplements aiming to boost energy, alleviate gut issues and lose weight, yet.......

the relief you seek remains out of reach.

Or you may experience temporary relief, only to fade, leaving you back at square one.

You feel overwhelmed, drained, and confused by all the wellness trends out there.

You don’t have the time to cut through the noise and prioritise self-care that works for you. 

You start accepting perhaps hormonal imbalances, digestive woes, brain fog, fatigue, restless nights and the constant undercurrent of stress and anxiety are just part of life.  

Deep down, you know this isn't how things should be. There's a nagging feeling that something just doesn't feel right.

Listen to that inner voice. It's signaling a need for change, pointing towards a new path to wellness. 

Here's the thing: health doesn't follow a one-size-fits-all approach and it's certainly not a quick fix. Ayurveda recognizes this, teaching us that each individual is a unique blend of elements, each with their own distinct path to wellness. 

This is where the power of Ayurveda shines, in recognizing and celebrating differences, providing the guidance, support, and community needed to nurture lasting change. It's about more than just right practices; it's about finding the right practices for you.

How Can Ayurveda Be the Key to Your Wellness?

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health and wellness that emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony between body. mind and spirit.

It is not enough to just eat 'clean' but not take time out to rest and slow down. 

Likewise, there is no exercising away binge eating or supplementing without making changes to your lifestyle. 

Ayurveda is a lifestyle medicine. 

Making simple changes that are based on your unique constitution, such as what and how you eat, exercise, getting rest and managing stress, will support the various systems in your body to work coherently. 

It is possible to live a balanced life through Ayurveda.

What's difficult is figuring out how to do it. 

And if you figure it out, how do you then make it sustainable?

My Ayurveda Coaching Program is designed to empower you to have clarity around your own health so you can take simple and sustainable actions toward harmony, joy and vibrant living. 

What's included in the program?


This 6-week Coaching Program is meticulously crafted to guide you through a transformative journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness. 

Here's what you can expect each week:

  • Week 1- Understanding Your Unique Constitution: Learn how to tailor your lifestyle and diet to support your specific dosha, paving the way for optimal health and balance. 
  • Week 2 - Ayurvedic Psychology: Understand how your mental and emotional states are deeply connected to your physical health. We uncover mindset habits that are not serving us well. This is key to a sustainable healthy lifestyle. 
  • Weeks 3 & 4 -14 Day Gut Reset: This isn't just a diet plan; it's a revolution for your gut, designed to rejuvenate your digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and optimize elimination. The best thing about this gut reset is you learn how to balance your blood sugar to reduce cravings and afternoon slumps! We craft meal plans and recipes together to make this journey easy, seamless, and yes, even enjoyable. 
  • Week 5 - Understanding Your Hormones: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your hormones and the different phases of a woman’s life. This week isn’t just about menstrual health; we also cover the stages of perimenopause and menopause. Learn how to support your body through these transitions with Ayurveda, providing you with the tools and knowledge to navigate each phase with confidence and grace.
  • Week 6 - Ayurvedic Lifestyle: Discover the power of Dinacharya (daily routines) such as body massage, breathwork, oil pulling and much more that will pave the way for you to turn everything you have learnt in this program. As a bonus, join our LIVE Abhyanga session, where we'll enjoy a full-body oil massage together—an amazing practice for glowing skin, luscious hair, and healthy joints.
Yes, please!

A glimpse of the magic that can happen with support and accountability:

One of the key features that sets our program apart is our amazing community of supportive women. As a participant, you’ll become part of a vibrant network that cheers each other on every step of the way. Here’s what makes our community unique:

  • Ongoing Support: Past members remain active in the community and continue to offer guidance and encouragement. You’re never alone on your journey!
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Benefit from occasional live Q&A sessions where you can get your questions answered and connect with others.
  • Lifetime Access: Even after completing the program, you’ll still have access to the community and resources, ensuring you always feel supported.

I knew I wanted to do this with Shahrean as soon as I read the email! This program helped me rethink my habits and what my body needs at 48. Shahrean's balanced approach to health, with no promises or threats, was just what I needed. The self-paced program always encouraged progress, and our group was a highlight—supportive, honest, and funny. A group where no one was guilted or shamed. Simply supportive of each other during our highs and lows. It wasn't easy, and I wasn't perfect, but it showed me that healthier routines are achievable and sustainable for both mind and body.


The Ayurveda Program exceeded all my expectations. My primary motivation for joining the program was to gain a deeper understanding of my gut, and I can confidently say that this program has provided me with invaluable knowledge. Shahrean's support and expertise in Ayurveda were phenomenal. I now have a strong grasp of what suits my gut and have developed lifelong positive habits. Additionally, I've lost weight and successfully maintained it as a delightful "side-effect." I am committed to continuing these fantastic practices and wholeheartedly recommend this program.

- Vidhya

Joining the gut cleanse program was transformative for me. After years of allergies and weight fluctuation, I followed a clear plan that brought positive changes in days. My heartburn vanished, digestion and energy improved, and my sugar cravings disappeared. The program taught me mindful eating and provided invaluable support and motivation. I've learned the importance of self-care through techniques like Abhyanga. This program has had a lasting impact on my health and well-being, and I now feel in tune with my body. If you're considering a gut cleanse, I highly recommend it—it’s been life-changing for me.


Hi, I'm your coach, Shahrean. 


Even though I grew up with Ayurveda as part of my culture, it wasn't until I developed my own health issues that I realised its transformative power. 

After going off the pill, my periods stopped for 7 months which caused me to develop anxiety and depression. I did an Ayurvedic treatment on my mother's advice, and within a month, my periods were back to normal, and I went on to have two gorgeous girls.

As a new mum on my own, my self care was non- existent. I suffered from post- natal depletion a few years later, which triggered insomnia and brain fog. That's when I dove deeper into the practice of Ayurveda. 

I discovered the importance of gut health and it's not so much what you eat but what you digest that matters. I also incorporated simple Ayurvedic practices that helped me nourish my body and mind from the inside out. Together with my Yoga practice and Ayurveda, my zest for life returned, and I never felt happier (well most of the time!).

I believe it is our inherent nature to be joyful and vibrant. It's simply a matter of understanding your own unique constitution and nurturing it the right way.

My hope is this coaching program offers you just that: a way back to your happy self!

Pay Upfront


  • 6 week Ayurveda Coaching Course. 
  • 6 Group coaching call via Zoom (once a week). Replays included. 
  • Lifetime access to coaching content and resources. 
  • Private Community Group for support and accountability. 
Sign Me Up!

Payment Plan

2 X $350

  • 6 week Ayurveda Coaching Course. 
  • 6 Group coaching call via Zoom (once a week). Replays included. 
  • Lifetime access to coaching content and resources. 
  • Private Community Group for support and accountability. 
Sign Me Up!

Get access to the first week of the program: Free Dosha Quiz and Webinar

Uncover the secrets of your unique Ayurvedic constitution and learn personalized strategies to harmonize your health, directly from the first module of the coaching program.

Simply enter your email below and let your Ayurvedic journey begin!

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Ready to Explore How Ayurveda Can Transform Your Life? Let's talk!

Whether you're curious about Ayurveda or simply want to know more about the program, I'm here to guide you. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me. 
Let's Chat!